
Basic Maintenance of used cars before long driving

There are some basic car maintenance tasks you can do by yourself. You only need to equip yourself with some main tools. With these tools, you don't need to call a road service for a simple maintenance task such as fixing tire or replacing the fluids. It will be able to help you save money in a long run.
Jack, Wrench and Tire Iron
You have to always remember to keep the car jack, wrench, and tire iron while on the go. It will be very beneficial if you get flat tire. Place the jack under the car close to the flat tire for lifting the car up so that you can easily remove the tire. Wrench will help you remove wheel lugs or bolt while the tire iron can help you secure the wheel lugs back to the spare tire while on the wheel. In addition, wrench is useful to remove oil tank bolt. You will use it in case you perform oil change.
Funnel for Fluids
Funnel will help you perform the maintenance task such as replacing fluids like transmission fluid, oil, and brake fluid. This is one of the most important parts of car maintenance. With this tool, you will be able to avoid the spillage while filling up the fluid reserves.
Tire Pressure Gauge
Tire pressure gauge will help you keep air in the tire at the appropriate level. Driving the car with low pressure air will reduce the efficiency of the fuel since under-inflated tire can make the engine work harder. Later, it can affect the steering. Therefore, before driving, you have to make sure that the tire pressure is at the appropriate level. To measure the tire pressure, you only need to place it over the nozzle of your tire. This tool shows you the reading on the tire pressure through the small poles which looks like a thermometer.
Battery Charger and Air Machine
Car battery charger is beneficial in case you are running out of the power since you accidentally leave the lights on. To solve your problem, you only need to attach the handles of charger to the according red and black connections and then switch the device on to charge it. Instead, you can also get the jumper cables and connect the handles to another car. In addition, you can also have an air machine for filling up the flattened tire.
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